Sunday, June 2, 2024

PVS Trail Along the Chattahoochee (Gwinnett County, Georgia)

The rain has been teasing all morning, but I want to get some more miles in today. I ran a 5k yesterday morning and then did a six-mile night hike, but it wasn't enough. I decided to join the Meetup for their hike labeled as Settles Bridge II. The description as a bit different and I wasn't sure what to expect. That said a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a while were planning to come and it was just a good opportunity to both see them and get some miles in.

When I arrived at the designated parking area, it was full and other members were directing us to a grass-area below the parking lot for more parking. With some good direction, we packed our cars in like sardines in a can and gathered the large group. As we were right by the highway, our organizer waited until we had crossed and were some distance away from the road noise before doing our introductions. That was probably wise. 

The trail was labeled both on as well as Google Maps as the PVS Trail, though after some research I have not been able to find out what "PVS" stands for (which is a bit irritating to me). The organizer has never heard this name and only things about the trail in terms of linking Buford Dam to Settles Bridge, neither of which we will get near on today's hike. 

We begin by following the Chattahoochee for a ways north. It's uncharacteristically clear today, with a bluish-green tint. Normally, this famous river is as muddy as can be and with the recent rains, it's a bit surprising to see it in this condition, but it's a welcomed site and quite beautiful. This part of the trail is pretty well cut, but soon, the maintained portion ends and we are bushwhacking. 

As we continue through the woods, we find ourselves on a golf course and make every effort to both not get in the golfers way and not get hit by golf balls. We skirt the edge of a couple of fairways and eventually make our way back to the woods. Turning back south, we stop at he bridge that allows the highway to pass overhead and have a quick bite of lunch before continuing on. 

South of the bridge, we encounter a number of people fishing the calm waters. This side of the trail is pretty overgrown, but we manage to make our way through it and after a mile or so, decided to turn back and call it a day. On the way back, we pass by an old abandoned house that has been torn up by vandals. It was probably a pretty nice place at one point in time, but now the windows are all busted out and the walls are covered with graffiti. The area where we parked our cars actually served as the driveway for this house at one point in time. It's a shame to see things torn to hell like this.

Upon arrival at my car, I see we got in just about 5.9 miles today. That's a little less than I had hoped, but it will have to do. We say our goodbyes and I end up joining a couple of the hikers for some beverages at a nearby restaurant. Not a bad way to spend a gloomy Sunday.

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