Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mount Rainier National Park (Mount Rainier National Park, Washington)


I've visited so many National Parks over the years, but seeing Mount Rainier up close and personal for the first time is something special. This 14,400 volcanic member of the Cascade Range is the tallest mountain in the state of Washington and the fifth tallest in the lower 48 states. So stunning is it's presence on any nearby horizon that a national park was created to protect it. 

Nick and I had planned on doing significantly more hiking while in the park, but with today being Independence Day and the weather being so warm, the park is absolutely packed and it takes forever to get anyway and find a parking spot. That said, we forgo several of the hikes we had planned and just satiate ourselves with the majestic views of this majestic snow-capped mountain and a few other stops we can access along the way.

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