Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rock Island - Eagle Trail (Warren County, Tennessee)


I'm in for Eastern Tennessee this weekend for some kayaking and waterfall chasing. My first stop brings me to Rock Island State Park and an attempt to hike a trail to something called Blue Hole. Unfortunately, the trail is temporarily closed due to a collapsed piece of wooden deck or walkway beyond where I'm able to see. As an alternative, I drive a short distance down the road and find another trail that looks as though it may connect to this one. It's called the Eagle Trail.

The trail starts near a beach area overlooking the Caney Fork River and some tall bluffs on the far side, which are quite picturesque. From there, the trail heads into the woods up a moderate incline. It's incredibly humid this morning and combined with quite a bit of poison ivy and a lot of bugs, this is not the most enjoyable hike, but I'm determined to finish it now that I've started it.

The trail circumvents a small ravine that ends in a small waterfall and slide. I can hear the water rushing over the rock, but it's mostly obscured by the topography and the trees. I'm never really able to get a great shot. After a short distance, I reach the connection to the Blue Hole trail, but it's roped off. I guess I won't get to see this feature after all. Instead of wandering through the poison ivy again, I decide to walk back on the road. I didn't do a GPS track, but the trail was listed as about 1.4 miles. Hopefully, some of the other stops I have planned will go better than this one.

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