Sunday, April 20, 2014

Stevens Trail in Spring (Placer County, California)

Not long ago, I visited this trail and found it to be a terrific medium length trail. However, that was January and in the middle of winter, there were no wild flowers to be seen on these magnificent sloping hillsides. I decided to return today and see what spring has to offer.

The drive is only about an hour to get to the Colfax exit and the trailhead only a short drive from there. On the way over, I took advantage of the time to continue listening to an audio version of Sean Carroll's "The Particle at the End of the Universe". Quantum theory and particle physics has always fascinated me, and while I had, of course, heard of the discovery of the Higgs Boson, I didn't even have a fundamental understanding of what it truly was. The book is an excellent guide through the complex and sometimes bizarre work of modern geniuses to arrive at the amazing discovery.

Arriving at the trailhead, I see that it is a popular destination today. And why not? It's Easter Sunday, and the weather here (about an hour East of Sacramento) is predicted to be in the mid-80's. Everyone seems to have the same idea, to get out there and enjoy nature a little bit.

The trail gently slops downhill with a terrific views of the valley, as it meanders it's way down to the American River. As I had hoped, sections of the hillside are a carpet of yellow and purple wild flowers. I can't help but relate the scientific material I enjoyed on the way over and think about all of the quarks, muons, and gluons that go into making up this wonderfully complex existence we live in. These flowers are simply an expression of that.

I finally arrive at the river and climb out onto some rocks for a short break and to soak up some rays before heading back. That gentle downward slope gets you on the way back, especially with a 20ish pound pack on my back (as training for later hikes this year). All in all, it was a short 3 hour, 7.75 mile hike. The scenery and beauty of the spring foliage made it all worthwhile.

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