Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Red Rocks - Trading Post Trail (Jefferson County, Colorado)


For many years, I have had an item on my bucket list that may seem odd to most. I wanted to see a concert at the Red Rocks Amphitheater just outside Denver, CO. Several years ago, I was in Denver for work and had the opportunity to walk around the amazing outdoor music venue in the sunlight. I could only imagine what it would be to see some of my favorite musicians play here with the lights of the city as a backdrop and the sound waves reverberating off of the giant red sandstone mountains on either side of the venue. For the last few years, I have watched the concert schedule to see if any acts were coming that I would want to see and who's show-dates fit into my schedule. As luck would have it, I was planning a trip to the mile-high-city for the Great American Beer Festival and noticed that Nine Inch Nails was going to be playing Red Rocks the night I intended to fly in. I bought tickets as soon as they went on sale.

Arriving in Denver around lunchtime and being unable to check-in to my hotel for a couple of hours, I decided to scope out the venue and maybe even get a little hiking in. I had planned a few possible trails and sites to visit during this trip and it only made sense to take advantage of the time available.

The Trading Post Trail is a short trail that starts at . . . you guessed it . . . the Trading Post, which functions as a visitors center and gift shop for Red Rocks Park and sits just below the Amphitheater on the red mountain. The trail head south, through and around many of the amazing sandstone formations. It's a short hike of only about 1.5 miles, but it's provides some really nice views of the park and was a nice warm-up in anticipation of this evening's concert. 

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