Sunday, August 4, 2019

Scorpion Hunt at Washoe Lake (Washoe County, Nevada)

*Photo courtesy of Washoe Lake State Park

The Nevada State Park system is a big believer in education and often hosts outings. One in particular caught my attention and I decided to check it out. Starting about 8:30, just after sunset, park rangers were planning to lead participants, including many children out into the sage brush and sand in search of scorpions, which apparently fairly populous here. 

I met up with my friend, Kendall, from a wine education group, which I lead, and her co-worker, M. The three of us listened as the seventy or so participants gathered round a picnic awning and the rangers described the plan for the evening. They even brought out a captured scorpion for the children to see. These desert arachnids glow under black light, and the rangers had suggested in the event description that we should bring any personal black-lights we might have available. Luckily, my wife had one and loaned it to me for the search. Kendall also very thoughtfully brought some bendable glow-sticks that we could easily shape into necklaces. This was helpful in find each other in the darkness.

After the briefing, we wondered out into the sage brush, eyes looking downward a the purplish light cast by our black-lights scanning for the reclusive scorpions. The large group fanned out over a large area as we made our way towards the lake. The really are no trails through here. It's more of just finding the best path that doesn't get one caught up in sagebrush. I found the leg of a deceased deer and a number of rabbit parts, probably dinner for a mountain lion or pack of coyote, but the pincered little demons remained elusive.

We searched for nearly an hour in the darkness, but never found one of the little guys. Finally, about 9:30 PM we turned back and headed for the cars. Talking with some other participants on the way back, it seems there were some scorpions out here, we just didn't find any. That said though, we got in two-miles or so of bushwhacking. So, that counts for something. I may come out and try this again at some point. It would be pretty cool to see the little guys glow under the light.

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