Sunday, September 12, 2021

Lake Lanier - Little Ridge Trail (Forsyth County, Georgia)

While on my last camping trip, I got bitten by a large number of chiggers, which I had a very bad reaction to and caused swelling and blistering on my right leg. This has prevented me from getting out too much over the past couple of weeks, but with my leg on the mend, it's time to start getting some miles in again. First stop of the day is the Little Ridge Trail, which wanders out onto one of the many peninsulas of Lake Lanier. 

The trail is short and very flat, but offers some nice views of the large man-made lake and several great fishing spots, which several people seem to be taking advantage of. It's early in the day and it's wondrous to see the young sun rising over the horizon and lighting the calm waters of the lake. I always find this kind of trail quite relaxing. It's well traveled and so navigation is not an issue. I keep a pretty solid pace as I'm trying to fit in a longer hike as well today, but I always take a moment to just exist in the moment and this is it.

As I round out the trail and head back towards my jeep, check my tracking app and see that I've covered about 1.3 miles on this little early morning jaunt. It was a nice start to the day, but now it's time to get a few more miles in at another location.

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