Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rock Island - Great Falls (Warren County, Tennessee)


My next stop at Rock Island State Park is to an overlook of the Great Falls. The weather in this part of the country has been a bit strange lately with frequent, but short-lived thunderstorms. Overall, it's been pretty dry and I hope that doesn't impact all of the waterfalls I'll be visiting on this trip. After parking my car, I walk just a short distance to an overlook platform. 

Looking out over the Caney Fork River, I see a very unfamiliar landscape. The river, while at a low level currently, flows over a series of large stones. Unlike what I'm used to though, the stones are more like uneven tiles making up the river bed. Waters flow over the low-lying ones and culminate in a large arc of what is probably a wall of waterfalls. With the current water levels, there are only a couple of small waterfalls making the plummet. It's still quite pretty though and the uniqueness of this landscape makes it worth a visit.

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