Saturday, July 27, 2024

Twin Falls and Downstream Trail (White County, Tennessee)

Continuing my exploration of waterfalls around Rock Island State Park, I cross the river and drive to a small parking lot. I'm unsure if this is actually part of the park or not, but when I arrive, there are several men dressed in rescue gear preparing for something. The lack of urgency in their movement, suggests to me that they are doing some training exercises. The presence of their vehicles forces me to park a bit further up the hill. No big deal. I appreciate that they go through these exercises to keep their skills sharp. You never know when you may need their help.

Walking down the gravel road, I come to a large dam and flume, with a long set of wooden stairs leading down to a natural overlook of this amazing waterfall. In the distance, Twin Falls appear a to explode from the forest and plummet eighty or ninety feet into the rocks and river below. While there are primarily two main streams (thus Twin Falls), the water actually appears to be coming from everywhere. This includes a geological stone step formation that is quite unique. I walk a ways down the Downstream Trail to it's end point. It offers some interesting views of the waterfall from different angles. After doing a little rock scrambling and taking a few pictures from those vantage points, I head back to the car. This one was definitely worth it - fabulous waterfall!

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