Sunday, May 12, 2019

Courtyard Wash Rock Art Panel (Arches National Park, Utah)


I've visited Moab, UT and the nearby Arches National Park five or six times over the years. It's an amazing place, full of natural wonders and many corners to explore. Speaking with Ranger Juliette during my tour of the Fiery Furnace this morning, I was shocked to learn of an extensive rock art panel just outside the park. The site is well documented and she provides me with some basic directions. After leaving the park, I head back out and find the pull-off she described.

From here, I have to follow the paved bike path a little ways and cross over the Courtyard Wash, which is full of flowing water this time of year. A dirt trail then drops down from the highway to the eastern side of the wash. The trail then leads up a steep ridge and on the red sandstone panel above me, a truly amazing pictograph panel comes into view. A sign indicates that the site was vandalized about forty years ago and that the park service did their best to restore the panel, but the colors could not be returned to their former vividness. Still, this is the most extensive and amazing pictograph panel that I have seen in my travels.

I climb up a little ways further to get a better look. The panel includes a number of humanoid representations, some of which might have been intended to be spirits. Some are holding large unknown objects. The images are painted in shades of red, orange, and white and though faded by the sun and the vandals, are remarkable visible. I take advantage of Dstretch to enhance them a bit. This is an amazing site and I'm truly shocked that I was completely unaware of it until now, as it literally overlooks the main highway into Moab. I'm glad I made the trip to visit it though.

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