Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chenocetah Fire Tower (Habersham County, Georgia)


The Chenocetah Tower was built as a fire lookout in 1937 as part of the North Georgia Upland Game Conservation Project, which aimed to reforest formerly privately owned land and open it to the public for recreation purposes. The tower overlooks Lake Russel for which the recreation area is now named. On my way to hike in the area, I decided to stop and walk the short distance to the tower and check out it's history.

It's an imposing structure standing some 54 feet tall and providing views of the surrounding forest from an elevation of 1,830 feet. I surprised to learn that it is the only granite fire tower in the entire United States. Locals have made organized efforts to preserve this now retired landmark, and thanks to their efforts it remains in very good condition.

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