Saturday, June 8, 2024

Roaring Fork Falls (Yancey County, North Carolina)

Asheville and western North Carolina are really beautiful areas and offer some of the best scenery of Appalachia to be had. Unready to call it a day just yet, I decided to drive to a couple of nearby waterfalls. Both of which are only short hikes, but should offer some great views. The first is Roaring Fork Falls due east of Mount Mitchell. When I arrive the small parking area is overflowing, but a car is just pulling out and gives me the perfect spot to pull into.

The trail to the falls is mostly a gravel road and as I hike, the sun beats down on me overhead. I do my best to stay in the shade, but at this time of day, the sun is directly overhead. I'm encouraged to pass a number of hikers walking the back to the parking lot and it gives me hope that I'll be able to enjoy a uncrowded view of the waterfall. The total distance out and back is only 1.3 miles and before long, I hear the roaring of the falling waters and the beautiful waterfall comes into view. It's a really nice cascading fall and there are only a couple of other people here taking it all in. Among them, a young lady is sitting on a rock right out in the middle of the creek. I ask her permission to jump to another rock in front of her just long enough to snap a shot from this angle. She thanks me for asking and grants me her blessing. 

With a few pictures of the waterfall now stored in the memory of my iPhone, I head back to the car. I hope the next stop on my list is just as majestic as this one was.

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