Sunday, August 9, 2020

Allatoona Creek (Cobb County, Georgia)


It's amazing to me how many trail systems are in and around greater Atlanta. While in many places, trails have been built simply to provide an outlet for the masses to get a little fresh air, others visit some truly remarkable natural and historic places. Being relatively new to the area still, I tend to do some research on my own or often, just hike with one of the groups I have joined to get exposure to these new hikes.

Today's Meetup takes me to Allatoona Creek Park, a few miles northwest of the 285 perimeter. Pulling into the parking lot just a couple of minutes before the scheduled start time, I see the group leader and a dozen or so other hikers gathered around this SUV. I quickly get out of my jeep and head over to join them. After a quick round of introductions and the traditional "ice breaker" question, we hit the trails on this hot and muggy summer day.

The trail immediately enters the woods. This trail system is primarily used by mountain bikers who have set up a number of ramps and undulating hill sections to make the ride more interesting. These obstacles offer little difficulty for our group, but hearing an unexpected scream from one of the female hikers towards the back of the group catches everyone off-guard and forces a pause. It turns out she saw a large snake that the majority of us had just walked past. Thankfully, no animals or hikers were injured in the making of these scene.

The trail meanders back and forth through the woods for a while before entering an open field and then traveling along the creek, though unobstructed views are difficult to find here. It seems most of these trails have been cut with bikers in mind, paying more attention to the challenge of riding the trail than the interesting views along the way.

Eventually, we do end up at a track that provides access to the greenish waters of Allatoona Creek, which lends it's name to the purposely flooded shallow valleys to the north forming Lake Allatoona. We stop here for a quick break and a few of my fellow-hikers wade out into the semi-clear waters. I suspect the water is very warm given the recent weather and after their plunge, they confirm these suspicions.

Heading back towards the parking lot, I build up a pretty good lead on the rest of the pack and have time to change shirts and switch into some flip flops before they catch up. Several of the members that I have hiked with before plan to grab some dinner and drinks and invite me along, but I had already planned to grill at home this evening and respectfully decline, though I will probably join them next time. All in all, it was a 10.1 mile hike with some good company. The trail ,unfortunately, was not all that interesting. It was a reasonably good workout on hot August day, but the scenery left a bit to be desired.

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