Thursday, September 5, 2024

Saqsaywaman (Cusco Province, Peru)

Having completed the Inca Trail yesterday with all of it's elevation and steps, my legs and knees are a bit sore today, but before leaving Peru, I wanted to visit Saqsawaman in Cusco, which served as the Inca capital. I attempted to walk up the steep streets and steps the first day I arrived in Peru, but without having acclimated to the elevation of over 12,000 feet just yet, I didn't make it very far before I was out of breath. Now, having been in the country for a week, I feel a lot better breathing the thin air. 

It's only a short walk from my hotel to the site and after buying my entry ticket, I begin to explore the ruins. There was obviously construction in progress when the Inca fled as can be seen by the numerous rocks that are only partially cut. The most striking part of the ruins though, is a long wall running the length of the hillside. This wall is made of massive stones that were precisely cut and placed leaving gaps less half a millimeter between them. Truly amazing craftsmanship.

In one section, there is a natural stone slide that many children are taking turns on. It's interesting to me that they are more interested in this than the rich culture around them that in many cases is their heritage. I guess we were all like that as children. I continue walking around the ruins and painfully making my way up and down steps where necessary. It's an impressive place.

Once I've had my fill, I head back down into town. I have a few hours to burn before my ride to the airport and my stomach is starting to grumble. 

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