Saturday, October 3, 2020

Skinny Dip Falls (Transylvania County, North Carolina)


Just a mile or so down the road from the Graveyard Fields parking area, another pull-out called the Looking Glass Overlook serves as a trailhead for Skinny Dip Falls. Interesting name, huh? While I do encounter a lot of twenty-somethings along this short trail, they are all fully clothed. It is October and we are at some elevation after all. I imagine that water is pretty darn cold.

The well-traveled trail dips through a couple of hallows before climbing a ridge and offering a wooden bridge and stair system to approach the top of the falls. The waterfall itself is actually two cascades. The lower one sees a sheet of water dropping some twenty feet or so over a jagged piece of rock, while just a few yards upstream the water cascades in a more traditional waterfall another twenty or so feet before entering a calm-ish pool that is the likely location of the teenage activities when temperatures are warmer. I spend a few minutes admiring the natural wonder before heading back to my jeep. In total, the hike was only about a mile and a half, but it's a nice little waterfall.

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